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I am checking price now. I will send you quotation on Wednesday. 我正在核实价格,周三给你报价。

Thanks for your inquiry. I will send you quotation ASAP.感谢您的询价,我会尽快发报价给您。

关于确认PI和定金This is the PI attached.Please check carefully. If it is ok, please sign and send back. Thanks. 附件是PI,请仔细检查,如果确认无误,请签字回传,谢谢。

I receive your signed Pi. Thank you. 我收到你签字确认的PI。谢谢。Our payment term is 30% deposit. Please arrange deposit. 我们的付款方式是30%的定金。请安排支付。

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今天给大家带来的是《跟风背的答题万能公式 历史竟然考到90+》

(共32页 电子版 可打印)



答:电脑文件夹整理和归类模板步骤如下。1. 桌面图标归类 用电脑的时候,首先一看到的就是桌面,如果桌面一堆快捷键,一看到心情就会不好,更别说用电脑了,整 个人心情都会很烦。

2. 磁盘分区 除了桌面,其它的磁盘也需要清理的,不然文件资料就是一堆乱。为了更好的整理电脑里的资料,可以把各分盘的名称更改一下。

3. 文件归类 大类的做好以后,就是小类的文件了。把每一个文件分好分类,再建一个文件夹,把同类的文件放在一起,这们即方便整理文件,这就是。电脑文件夹整理和归类模板的方法。








  1. 选择一本解析质量高的参考书,解析质量高,作文范文的质量才会高。








①The (first) photo is vivid and educational, and it describes a situation that 整体描述/第一幅图描述, which is extremely common in our daily life.

②(两幅图内容相反Distinct from the former // 两幅图内容相似Analogous to the former), the more striking scene is that细节描述/第二幅图描述.

③Obviously, the implication should be given more concern.

①In theory, several reasons may bring about the event shown in the picture, but for my part, the following two are the most important.

②The main reason is that原因一.

③In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore.

④This issue also results from that 原因二.

①According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality.

②Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job.

③Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.

①It is worth noticing that the phenomenon that整体描述/第一幅图描述, just as what has been described in the (first) picture, prevails nowadays.

②(两幅图内容相反Different from the former // 两幅图内容相似Similar to the former),it is not difficult to find that 细节描述/第二幅图描述, (两幅图内容相反finally completing the contrast of the two pictures; 两幅图内容相似finally completing the comparison of the two pictures). ③What has been conveyed in the above picture(s)—寓意—is gaining increasing attention, and an analysis on it should be conducted deeply.

①Various reasons are behind the situation described in the picture, but as far as I am concerned, the following two matter greatly.

②One factor that plays a vital role is that 原因一.

③In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore.

④It is also owing to the fact that 原因二.

①According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality.

②Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job.

③Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.




Dear sir or Madam,

.....I bought ....in..... To my dismay,.... I found it couldn’t work normally....... I expect you to provide a new one for replacement or, at least, to follow the warranty policy by repairing it. I f no satisfaction can be gained by these means, I will have to demand a refund.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If detailed information is required, please reach me at 1234567.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


1. 开头

I want to inform you of my dissatisfaction with...

I must complain about...

I beg to call your attention to the fact that...

2. 发展部分

It is irritating/annoying to find that...

I am disappointed because the product(the service )...

I wish you could give the money back(repair it/replace it with a new one, etc)

3. 结束语

I would be grateful if this matter would have your immediate attention.

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until...before seeking help from the consumer protection association.



1. Schedule

2. For the sake of

3. On the verge of...

4. Be desirous of

5. Sufficient

6. In financially strained families

7. Achieve this aim

8. Desired

9. At a discount



It is a great honor to inform you that...is scheduled for....a.m. to....p.m.....is going to be held in..... for the sake of .....Your participation is necessary to achieve this aim.

Hopefully, you can come and..... You will happily find....


1. 开头语

We would like to invite you to attend ....which will be held on...

...will be held on....We will be delighted if you could join us,.....

On behalf of..., I warmly welcome you to attend. The ....falls on...

2. 发展部分

The activities include...

You will have memorable and happy time in...

3. 结束语

Hopefully, you will be present at...

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Welcome your presence.



1. Overseas study

2. Arrive at a basic understanding about....

3. Gorgeous

4. Humble

5. Tidy and clean

6. Tolerance

7. Dish preparation



I am glad that it is you who will....and cannot wait to meet you. Before my...., I think it is necessary to arrive at a basic understanding about each other’s....

As a typical..., I observe....rules,.... In addition, I prefer ...and hope to get your tolerance for... There must be some special...rules to be respected in your... Can you introduce them to me in advance? Hope to get your early reply.


Li Ming



1. Facilitate academic learning

2. Cultivate ability

3. Including but not limited to

4. Business-starting competition

5. Daily affairs

6. Ideal candidate

7. Relevant experience


We are looking for ... for.... ...is organized to facilitate ...and more importantly...through activities including but not limited to.....

....are required to help....and cope with daily affairs during...Ideal candidates should be.....Having relevant experiences is preferred. Anyone interested please contact us by ....or reach us at 1234567.


1. Appreciate

2. Hone

3. Read extensively

4. Expose oneself to...

5. Quality

6. A broad knowledge base

7. Keep abreast of

8. Sustained efforts



I am very glad to hear that you want to seek some suggestions about...in order to...

From my point of view,... Also, to you, I highly recommend that.... On the one hand,... On the other hand,... Besides, it is unnecessary for you to.... Consequently, I believe that....

I hope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for further discussions.


1. 开头语

I am writing to make some suggestions...

I am writing to put forward some suggestions...

I would like to offer some suggestions...

2. 正文

You asked for advice concerning (with regard to)...and I will try to make some suggestions.

I think it would be beneficial that...

I would recommend that...

3. 结束语

I hope you will find these suggestions useful

I hope you find these proposals practical.

I would be ready to discuss this matter with you about further details.



  1. 节省时间 考研备考前期时间较充裕,可自行整理,备考后期时间紧。任务重,可以使用机构提供的模板节省时间


2. 整理资料全面完整



先说背景, 我是毕业于top 10 的学校, 英语四六级 600+



首先我们知道, 作文中一般都是三段, 开头, 中间论述段, 结尾段。

每一段都是有对应的套路。 这些套路我都你们总结好了

千万千万, 要收藏起来好好背诵,码字不易,记得给我点赞哈

希望大家的英语作文都可以开挂 YYDS!

















品质-->内涵-->XXX对我们/社会/国家很重要;现象-->原因-->XXX的发展使人们忽视了XXX是不对的+XXX对我们/社会/国家很重要。· 图片中反映出一种品质,我们就谈内涵(如自信、乐观、坚持等),如这个品质对个人成长很重要,对培养健康心态很重要、对你成为一个社会所需要的人而言很重要、对社会、对国家很重要。· 图片反映一种现象(如污染、浪费等),说因为科技/物质发展,人们忽视了XXX,变得XXX,但XXX很重要-->又转为谈内涵,即返回上一个话题。





第一句:As is symbolically depicted by the cartoon,there is sb doing sth, doing sth, with sb doing sth.

斜线区域可以替换为:with sb doing sth/with sth in front of/behind sp.

第二句:This picture reveals a phenomenon that people in growing numbers are paying attention to the value of sth, ignoring the necessity of sth.

斜线区域可以替换为:an undeniable truth that the virture/quality of being XXX perform an indispensable role in our life.


Part1第一句套话:It can be inferred that the author of the picture is drawing our attention to the value/necessity/harm of sth.Part2从以下角度中选择2个来谈一下,加入on the one/other hand或in the first/second place来隔开构成分层(前8个的为最通用最基础角度):





例:As the world becomes materially rich, wealth accumulation and pursuit of comfort have become a fashion trend. Many young adults influenced have become spendthrift/dependent on sth, they intentionally or unintentionally deny the detrimental effect of pollution on environment.



- There is no doubt in saying that sth is one of the most important factors to sth/indeciding sth.- But for/Without sth, we would never achieve anything great in our life.- There is no exaggeration in saying that sth/doing sth can, directly or in directly,perform a vital role in our life.





The desire for health is universal. With the quickening pace of urban life and ever-increasing pressure, people in growing numbers are suffering______problems. It is generally believed that health is the key to a happy life and a succssful career.

There are numerous ways of keeping fit. Firt and fremost, it is most effective to do physical exercises. People respectively choose______ as their regular exercises because exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. Moreover, we should put great emphasis on forming good habits. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both indispensable to_____ . What's more, mental heath should also be taken seriously, Especially in adversity, we need to maintain an optimistic mentality to pull through life's pain and sorrow, twists and turns.

As far as I am conccrned, I have a peculiar interest in______ .An hour’s exercise everyday usually makes me______ . Besides, I never______ , neither do I______ .Instead, I______,because I believe______ . More importantly, an optimistic attitude toward life makes me confident and persistent. To sum up, all thesc practices guarantee a fit health and a happy life.


对于健康的渴望很普遍。随着都市生活节奏的加快和压力的不断增加,越米越多的人开始遭受______ 问题。人们普遍认为健康是生活幸福和事业成功的关键。


就我而言,我对______有特殊的兴趣。 每天一小时的锻炼常常让我______。此外,我从不___,也不_____相反,我___,因为我相信______。更为重要的是,对于生活的乐观态度使我充满自信、坚持不懈。总而言之,所有这些做法都可以保证拥有健康的身体和快乐的生活。



The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.The artist purposefully exaggerates_______.This picture reveals the indepth problem of_______.

In fact,_______.There are two reasons for this.The first and perhaps most important is that_______.The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view._______.It owes to_______.

In my point of view,the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our_______.What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,_______.Therefore,I strongly contend that_______.


There is a popular Chinese song,named "_______",which encourages_______.However,the in the picture does but for a very different reason一_______.From the facial expression of we can read _______.

Sadly as it is,this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today's society,for which are responsible.For one thing,_______.For another,_______.As a matter of fact,the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of_______.

The above analysis is best exemplified by_______. In my opinion,the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.



As the old Chinese saying goes,_________.It echoes with this picture in which_________.The title of the picture further points out that_________.

The picture is meant to _________.As far as I am concerned,I think_________.This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of_________, where_________.

A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of._________,for example,_________.The same principle applies to common people as well,and I am sure everybody can benefit from_________.


From the picture we can perceive that_________.What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that_________.It is known to all that_________,but it seems_________.

The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that_________.Ultimately, the trend boils down to_________.Accordingly,_________. To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking_________.

In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating. First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that _________.Besides, an awareness of should be infused into everybody's mind.



As the title indicates,"_______",the set of pictures apparently reminds us that_______. It is discemable that_______.

The drawing virtually reminds its audience a widespread phenomenon existing negatively in the area of basic education in China,that is,_______.That is to say,_______.Such a practice is very harmful in terms of the following aspects.Firstly,_______.Secondly,_______.Last but not the least ,_______.

In my point of view,_______,but it is only part of the picture.On the other hand,_______.Therefore,it is an urgent task to_______.As children are the future of our nation,creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.


The picture shows_______.symbolizes_______.As is quoted in the picture,_______.

It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China-in contrast with_______.One the one hand,the problem partially attributes to _______.Sometimes_______.On the other hand,_______.For example,_______,while_______.

In my opinion,the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect. proves to be most beneficial to students. Further,a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue.



It is a very eye-catching photo in which______.What makes this picture extra-ordinary is______, which clearly indicates ______.

The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of______,that is,______,and therefore,______.China,in particular,______.The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by ______.

While people belong to nations,cultures know no boundary.is not only featured by______,but more importantly,by______.I firmly believe that is contributing,and will contribute more to the world's peace,development,and prosperity.


What is presented here is a very interesting scenario.______.From the subtitle we can infer that______.Conspicuously ,______.

We can deduce from the picture that ______.It partly owes to______,and party to ______.Except the case reflected in the picture,there are numerous evidence demonstrating______.For example,______.

From a personal point of view,I am delighted to witness______.To sum up,______.As for China,______.Therefore,I can firmly conclude that in the long run,cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy,as well as diversified cultures.



This is a very interesting piece of cartoon,in thanks to______.Hence,______.

Though being a little exaggerating,the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that ______,and for that matter,______.A recent report also supported this view by ______.On the contrary,we are sad to perceive that______.

Therefore,in my opinion,it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against______,because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm.A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control______.


Nowadays,lots of people have the illusion that______.Just as what is shown in the picture,______.

This is a very serious social problem.Compared with other countries,China______.If everybody behaves in this way,it would be far beyond the country's capacity to______. Moreover,it was reported that______.Meanwhile,______.Also,______.

Though______,it is never the only way.What's important,to solve these problems depends largely on our responsibility for society and environment.If the sense of responsibility is greatly aroused,the achievement of harmony between man and the environment will not be far away.



According to the two pictures presented,it can be observed http://that_________.In the left picture,_________.A the same time,as the right one shows.Different people have different views on _________.

Some people support by claiming http://that_________.In their opinion,http://_________.In addition,_________.Meanwhile,there are some people,especially young men,who_________.Their reasons are quite different,sometimes for_________,sometimes for_________,sometimes simply for_________.

In my point of view,both sides are partly right.To thoroughly analyze this problem,we should take into consideration of all relevant aspects,so as to make the right decision.Therefore,my conclusion would be that_________.


From the drawing,we can learn that_________.It can be seen easily that_________.We can deduce from that people's opinion on vary from person to person.

Some people take it for granted that_________. For example,they firmly believe that_________.But they often neglect that fact that_________.Yet there are also another group of people who hold a different point of view.They think that_________.Beside,_________.

Personally,my attitude for this matter is positive,with reasons as follows.Firstly,_________.Moreover,_________.Lastly,_________Therefore,_________.



As is shown in the picture above,________.Obviously from we can surmise that________.

It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of________. As a matter of fact,it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature.For instance,________.Additionally,we can also hear many stories about________. Not to mention those moving cases of________.

All in all,I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a________.By________,people not only harvest________,but also gain that can never be purchased via money.


________,just as is depicted in the picure.It is not difficult to find that in today's society,more and more people begin to________. It is rather good news to ________.

The picture reminds us that in China,due to________,________.Moreover,there are________. In addition,we should not forget ________.

________is a good way to express human love.To some extent,it also reflects individuals' sense of social responsibility.It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is.Therefore,I strongly advocate that ________.I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of________.



We can see from the picture that__________, but __________.

If__________,he would surely express__________.There are three reasons to explain why it happens to__________.Firstly,__________,which resulted from__________.Secondly,though__________,__________.Consequently,__________Thirdly,__________.

I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon.Firstly,we need to endeavor to advocate__________.Secondly,strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society.Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this“tumor”forcefully and completely.


As is shown in the cartoon,__________.Take in the cartoon for example__________.

This phenomenon appears commonly in our daily life.Nowadays,__________.Instead,they only try their best to Such deeds not only __________,but also__________.

Therefore,it is of great significance to take actions to change this phenomenon.First and foremost,http://__________.In addition,__________.All these steps can help guarantee a solid economic order and a harmonious society.



The two pictures illustrate http://vividly________.In the left picture________.while in the right.

From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of________.Aside from________,another telling example is________,which was so successful in that________.The pictures also make it obvious that we should ________.

Admittedly,it is natural that________.Nevertheless,it is the responsibility of our government and society http://to________.In my opinion,what's the more important is http://to________.In short,________.


It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem:http://________.In this drawing,________.Even________.

It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of________.Though the drawing is a little exaggerating,it is not rare for us to find in________.If we let this situation of continue,it not only harms________,but also prevents ________.

Accordingly,we urgently call for________.Though the government has already taken pains to implement regulations,it still failz http://to________.In my opinion,this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits.I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.




Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing to apologize for ____,Had I paid more attention then, I wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

Now something must be done to solve the problem because I understand _______,Please accept my sincere apology for any any inconveniences it may cause. I have come up with several remedies to make up _______.

Please let me know which solution you prefer at your earliest convenience. I really hope you will accept my sincere apology.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


尊敬的先生或女士:我写信为_______道歉,如果当时我多留意的话,就不会犯如此愚蠢的错误。由于我知道_______, 现在我必须做一点事情来解决这个问题。对于由此可能带来的不便之处,请接受我诚挚的道歉。我想了几种补救方法去弥补______。请尽快告诉我您更喜欢哪种解决措施。真心希望您接受我诚挚的道款。您真诚的,李明


Dear Sir or Madam,

Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good; however,I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my great appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration.

I have been______ for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest. It is my view that ______ is of utmost significance. To crack this hard nut, I would like to give/offer/render/propose some/several useful/practical/conducive recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to_____. In addition, we should _____. Last but not least, _____.

I hope you will find the above proposals conducive and 1 would like to discuss this matter to further details.Your prompt atention to my sggestions would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


尊敬的先生或女士:总体来说,您这里提供的服务相当不错,但我有一些建议希望您采纳。如果您能考虑我的建议,我将非常感谢。多年来我一直以极大的热情和兴趣_____。 我认为_____非常重要。为解决这个难题,我想提出以下几条实用的建议。首先,我们的当务之急是_____,其次,我们应该_____。最后但同样重要的是,_____。我希望您觉得上述的建议有益,同时希望进步讨论这一问题。十分感谢您对我的建议给予及时的关注。您真诚的,李明





Dear Sir or Madam,

I am here writing this letter to you to express my strong interest in the post you mentioned in(报纸/网络等途径)and my sincere hope that I can get the opportunity of an interview and working for you as a/an(职位).The qualifications I possess are as follows.

As a major in(学科),borm in(年份),I am very interested in(与职位相关的领域或职位本身).The most important qualification I have,I think,is my ability to(do sth.).It is beyond doubt that the ability to(do sth.)plays an indispensable role in doing the job of(职位).In the second place,I have been accumulating experience by(doing sth.与职位相关的事情),which is,directly or indirectly,helpful to doing the job you required well.I am very confident that,by working hard and learning under your guidance,I can be competent for the post.

I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience.I am looking forward to seeing you and getting the chance of proving myselr to you face to face.

Yours truly,

Li Ming






Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to you to express my regret to you for what happened.I am very disappointed to tell you that(what you did)has brought us great inconvenience and losses.The details are as follows.

To my surprise,the service you offered/the product you delivered is far away from our expectations.

Unfortunately,we found that you had made a terrible mistake about(具体事项).

Much to my regret,we did not get the right and immediate response.

I sincerely hope that you can find out the solution as soon as possible before things get worse.

I am looking forward to your reply and immediate solution.An immediate reply and solution would be fully appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming








Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of sb.,I am writing this letter to cordially invite you to do sth.(give a lecture/attend an evening party).

As our distinguished guest,I am hoping that you will be available for sth.(the lecture or the party)in a specified place(地点)at a specified time(具体时间)on a specified date(日期).There will be one hour and a half(时长)for sth.(the lecture or the party)including...

Since it is a relatively formal occasion,it is also of great importance for you to pay close attention to your clothing.

I hope you will have time for sth.(the lecture or the party).I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming








Dear Sir or Madam,

I am here writing this letter to you to express my sincere hope that I can get the opportunity of an interview and studying in(某学校)as a major of(专业).The qualifications I possess are as follows.

As a major in(学科),born in(年份),I am very interested in(学科).The most important qualification I have,I think,is my basic knowledge in(相关领域).It is beyond doubt the basic knowledge in(相关领域)plays an indispensable role in achieving success in the field of(学科).In the second place,I have been accumulating experience by(doing sth.与学科相关的事情),which is,directly or indirectly,helpful to learning(学科)well.I am very confident that,by working hard and learning under your guidance,I can be fairly successful in learning(学科).

I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience.I am looking forward to seeing you and getting the chance of proving myself face to face.

Yours truly,

Li Ming


这篇小作文只是对上面的框架稍加调整。对于学科以及学位,考生要掌握其中的常见表达。如:学士bachelor,硕士master,博士doctor,博士后post-doctor等;管理学administration,艺术art,理学science,哲学philosophy,文学literature。管理学博士可以表达为“a doctor of administration”,以此类推。对于申请职位,考生也要熟记相关表达,如:志愿者volunteer,翻译translator,口译员interpreter,经理manager等。





Dear sir,

I am writing this letter to you to express my sincere hope that you are getting better.I know you suffered a lot from the illness/disaster.I do believe that things will improve as time goes by.

1.询问近况:What I am eager to know is your recent situation and the developments of things.So are you getting better these days?

2.提出建议:It is necessary that you pay very close attention to your health in the future.A good rest,I think,is still beneficial to you.

3.希望对方坚强:I sincerely hope that you can be tough and optimistic about life.Were there anything I can do for you,feel no hesitation to contact me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.Hope we can meet in the nearest future.Best wishes to you!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






The student union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest.Write an announcement which covers the following information:

1)the purpose of the contest,

2)time and place of the contest,

3)what is required of the candidates,

4)details of the judges and awards.

You should write about 100 words.


Chinese Speaking Contest

February 3,2007

To improve students' ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities,the Student Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese Speaking Contest to be held on Saturday next week(February 10)at the Students' Auditorium.

Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitors of their classes before next Tuesday.Five professors will be invited to be the judges.The first six winners will be given awards.Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.

The Students' Union





2)信头:包括To,From,Subject和Date等措辞。To后面接收件人姓名、职务等,from后面接备忘录写作者的姓名、职务等,date后写日期,subject 后是备忘录主要内容的概括性小标题。其模板如下:

To:收文人,如Tom,All Faculty

From:发文人,如Li Ming

Date:日期,如January 14th,2010

Subject:主题,如Employee Training






You are Li Ming,president of a company.Write a memorandum(memo)to Tom,vice-president,on the employees' training on computer,telling him the need to train the employees,detailed information,and ask him to write a plan.

You should write about 100 words.



To:Tom,Vice President

From:Li Ming,President

Date:January 14th,2010

Subject:Computer Training of the Staff

In order to deal with the problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff,we need to make up a plan for training our employees.

The following factors should be considered.First of all,the class runs two hours a week for ten weeks.Furthermore,the employees are supposed to be classified into different classes according to their current computer knowledge.Finally,the company had better put the employees through the program in turn.

I would like you to write up a brief proposal covering the above information.And you can add other details if necessary.







Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to you to express my gratitude to you for what you did for me/us.Without your help,we would not have done it so smoothly and successfully.

In the first place,it is you who helped me out when I was in http://trouble.In the second place,but for your assistance and kindness,we/I would have failed in the http://task.In the last place,were it not for your help,I/we would have suffered a serious loss.

Dear sir or madam,my gratitude to you is beyond my words.I am looking forward to seeing you and expressing my gratitude to you face to face.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




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