在中文中,我们常用“一举两得”来形容一种情况下同时获得两种好处。在英语中,我们可以使用类似于“kill two birds with one stone”的表达方式,意思是达到一个目标却得到了两种好处。
By carpooling with my colleague, not only can we save money on gas, but we can also reduce our carbon footprint. So it's like killing two birds with one stone.
I decided to combine my passion for cooking with my interest in writing and started a food blog. Now I can share my recipes with others while pursuing my love for writing. It's a perfect example of killing two birds with one stone.
Their families have similar social status and wealth, so they are an equal match for each other.
The couple comes from compatible backgrounds, which makes them understand each other's values and lifestyle.
3. 心有余而力不足
当我们在中文中用“心有余而力不足”来形容自己的能力不足以胜任某项任务时,可以用英语表达为“the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”,从宗教的角度来形容人的内心渴望去做某事,但是身体上却有所限制。
I really want to join the marathon, but my body is not ready yet. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
He has the passion and the knowledge to start his own business, but lacks the financial resources. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak in this case.
4. 一言难尽
中文里用“一言难尽”来表示某种事情难以用简单几句话来解释清楚。在英语中,我们可以使用“hard to put into words”,表示难以用语言来准确表达。
The beauty of nature is hard to put into words. It's something you need to experience yourself.
The feeling of grief and loss after losing a loved one is hard to put into words. It's a deeply personal experience.